Addiction Research-GoFundME


Testosterone replacement therapy is a multi-billion dollar industry.   Entrepreneurs and physicians are capitalizing on the human desire to look and stay young. 
Most of us in this country are aware that our medical profession is in a state of creative destruction, from the Affordable Healthcare controversy to the actual practice of medicine, resulting in physicians and entrepreneurs “going rogue.” 

I created a website called  with the purpose of informing and educating men and women about the addictive nature of testosterone drug therapy. 
What was once an underground drug for body builders is now being prescribed by Ob-Gyns, urologists, doctors and hormone clinics that are popping up on street corners across the country. As with any chemical or drug, whether your body produces it or not, it can wreak havoc on your system and cause devastating consequences.
Testosterone replacement therapy is not right or wrong; it’s a personal choice, as are Botox injections, liposuction, or simple over the counter dietary supplements. 
The doctors who provide this treatment are not telling you testosterone is addictive, just like the many doctors who endorsed cigarette smoking back in the day.

According to the U.S National Institute on Drug Abuse, (NDIA), “a little known fact is that testosterone is addictive. It produces chemical changes in the brain, and the brain becomes used to them. ”NIDA warns that this “potent androgenic-anabolic steroid can cause euphoric feelings of invincibility, impaired judgment and risky behavior, feeling aggressive, mood swings from manic to euphoria to extreme paranoia, increased jealousy, delusions and severe irritability.” They further warn that, “When you abruptly stop taking testosterone, your body stops producing its natural testosterone for a while, and as a result, you may go into withdrawal. Symptoms of withdrawal include depression, lack of energy and suicidal thoughts, among others.”

The Lawsuits we are reading about are addressing the heart attack and stroke victims.  
There is little research on the behavioral health effects of testosterone replacement therapy.  Since the launch of my website, I have had hundreds of people reach out to me. 

Here is what they are saying: 

“I have lost a few friends on that stuff who turned into real jerks after they started using it. I warned them that their levels go up and down (naturally) and they did not need it. But they seem to believe it is a magic bullet. Is it magic that they lose wives, friends and their testicles, yet they keep pumping the stuff in?”

“It’s about time!  Someone needed to do this.” 

“I went in for pellet therapy and a few days later I was on my way to work I had to turn around and go home to masturbate. I only had pellets therapy once.” 

My goal is to raise $100,000 for a clinical study on the behavioral health effects of testosterone replacement therapy.  Specifically around pellet therapy, hypersexual disorder and personality disorders. 

I’d like the beneficiary to be The American Foundation For Addiction Research started in 1998 by Patrick Carnes the leading expert on sex addiction. It was created to fund research and influence public policy in the area of addiction. 

Everywhere I go I hear a story about how testosterone replacement therapy affected someone’s life.  

I am asking you to help fund research to what is an emerging addiction and will most likely at some point have an effect in your life, your family’s life or someone you know. 

Click here to donate:


 With Love and Miracles,

Lisa Marie Shaughnessy

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