September, 2015


Look at that Face

Angry Couple

Look at that face! That’s what Donald Trump said about his rival Carly Fiorina in his campaign for President. While he uses his mouth like boxing gloves and his speech is generally aggressive, Carly Fiorina remains calm in the wake of insults and criticism. Is their behavior a difference in gender? Martian men, Venusian women. No. It’s their personalities. But I want to warn what happens when personalities change and those changes are caused by overdosing on testosterone replacement therapy. And you can see it their faces. Today’s buzzword forRead More

Testosterone Overdosing

Addiction Monitor Shows Craving And Substance Abuses

This past year has been a life changing, profound experience.  I walked the plank. I put myself out there. I became vulnerable to my core by sharing my story with testosterone replacement therapy and creating an advocacy that did not exist. It has humbled me, challenged me and empowered me.   Now, a year later, I know I need to continue this journey even more so. In the past two weeks I have met two women both who have been overdosing on testosterone and one of my friends who sharedRead More

Addiction Research-GoFundME


Testosterone replacement therapy is a multi-billion dollar industry.   Entrepreneurs and physicians are capitalizing on the human desire to look and stay young.  Most of us in this country are aware that our medical profession is in a state of creative destruction, from the Affordable Healthcare controversy to the actual practice of medicine, resulting in physicians and entrepreneurs “going rogue.”  I created a website called  with the purpose of informing and educating men and women about the addictive nature of testosterone drug therapy.  What was once an underground drug for bodyRead More